Earth Guests
Reverend Lynn Johnson
Senior Minister
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Portland Church of Religious Science
3983 N.E. 112th
Portland, Oregon
Meditation Service: Sunday @ 10:00am
Celebration Service: Sunday @ 10:30am
Everyone is Welcome

Rev. Lynn is an Ordained Minister in the Church of Religious Science. She is a spiritual coach and does personal counseling to assist in shifting ones beliefs from those that no longer enhance life to a pattern of thinking that aligns oneself with their soul essence - in other words, to live from the highest state of personal connection with spiritual principle. She teaches many classes and workshops in spiritual awareness focused primarily on the philosophy by Ernest Holmes called Science of the Mind.

She is an inspirational speaker and a passionate believer in "changing your thinking to change your life."

Her vision and mission is about healing – allowing that inner presence of Divine Good to reveal the wholeness, creativity, peace, harmony, beauty, joy and love that is already within us – and assisting others to know their perfection and unity with the consciousness of life itself. Life is a joy and you are invited to share in its expression.






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