Earth Guests
Christine Yazmin-Albright
Spiritual Teacher
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Healing Multiple Sclerosis Through Love,
God and the Innate Inner Healer

Christine-Yazmin Albright was diagnosed with MS in 1990. Over the course of four years, Christine healed her body completly of multiple sclerosis. Through the total surrender of the MS to a higher power than herself or the MS; God, she began receiving insights and direction as to how to heal this challenging disease. She was shown that loving her body and the illness was essential to its healing.

The love opened the the communication from her body, which told her exactly what was needed for its complete healing. The BODY KNOWS HOW TO HEAL ITSELF! We all contain this innate healing ability within us. When we learn to listen deeply and love the body it naturally begins to heal. Christine provides individual healing sessions, support group (positive based) in person or by phone, lectures and healing tapes.

For more information call 503/695-2907. Energetic healing practitioner and graduate of the Jaffe Institute of Spiritual and Medical Healing.